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Market Report Partner

IRL is a World leading expert in Paints & Coatings market intelligence with offices in London (HQ), the US, India and China ...

For more than 40 years IRL has been providing Global services within Paints & Coatings and its market reports and data across individual countries and regions globally are widely regarded as the industry benchmark, given it being the core area of the focus and expertise.


Having a long history of expertise and dedicated industry focus their services are solely designed to meet the needs of industry professionals and investment companies looking to understand market conditions, opportunities and to get detailed profiles of leading players.


IRL’s core focus within Paints & Coatings includes:


Architectural Paints & Coatings


Automotive OEM & Refinish Coatings


Can & Coil Coatings


Coating Resins & Technologies


Coatings for Plastics


Decorative Paints & Coatings


General Industrial Coatings


Marine Paints & Coatings


Pigments, Fillers & Additives


Powder Coatings


Protective Coatings


Wood Coatings


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