Projects in and across Western Europe are organised out of the UK and led by a senior team with more than 20 years professional experience advising international companies. Research work is organised with experienced consultants on the ground in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.
This experience covers a variety of research methodologies across a broad range of industry sectors.
Western Europe has for many years been at the centre for international trade and development, home to the economic powerhouses of Germany, the UK, France, Italy and Spain as well as more unique economies of the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Switzerland. The region is the headquarters to many multinationals and a strategic location for investment and regional decision-making centres.
Despite a relatively modest population of approx. 400 million and projected slow growth, the region is home to the largest trading block in the world, the world’s largest single market, with transparent rules and regulations, coupled with consumers with some of the highest disposable incomes in the world.
The region is huge in diversity, both culturally and linguistically and although there are many opportunities competition is fierce with companies fighting for position and market shares.
Through our network and the on the ground consultants we can support local research, interviews with customers and key opinion leaders, business partner meetings, on-site observations and provide trustworthy advisory services based on reliable data.
We work in close partnership with leading publishers of market reports and industry forecast studies, these signed agreements allow us to act as official agents and to provide their studies at exactly the same price.
The Western Europe market report page covers Consumer Goods, Healthcare, Manufacturing and more.
Latest Western Europe market reports: