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Polyurethane Chemcials & Products in EMEA - Adhesives & Sealants

Market Report I 2024-04-01 I 149 Pages I IAL Consultants

IAL Consultants has updated its in-depth market report on Polyurethane Chemicals and Products in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

This Volume: Adhesives & Sealants

Geographical coverage of the report is as follows:

Western Europe (12 countries/regions)
- Austria, Benelux, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Nordic Region, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

Central & Eastern Europe (10 countries/regions)
- Czech Republic, CIS, Hungary, Other (Baltic States, Bulgaria), Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey.

Middle East and Africa (10 countries/regions)
- East Africa, Iran, Levant, North Africa, Other GCC, Other ME, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE, West Africa.

Raw material coverage:

- Acrylic Polyol
- Specialty Isocyanates
- Standard Polyether Polyol
- Polyether Graft Copolymer Polyol
- Polyester Polyol
- PTHF Polyol

In printed format, this publication is presented in eight volumes, with data tables detailing production of polyurethane products and related raw material consumption, plus summaries of key market trends and drivers.

For each country, production data is provided for the following end-use market sectors:

- Flexible Foam
Polyether Slabstock, HR/CMHR Slabstock, Polyester Slabstock, Viscoelastic Foam, Moulded Foam for Automotive Seating, Moulded Foam for Commercial Vehicles, Other Transport Foam, Carpet Backing & NVH, Furniture Components, Semi-rigid Foam, Integral Skin Foam.
Further regional segmentation for slabstock into furniture component foam, bedding foam, vehicle foam, recycled foam.

- Rigid Foam
Rigid-Faced Sandwich Panels (Continuous & Discontinuous), Flexible-Faced Panels, Slabstock, Sprayed Foam (SPF), Commercial Refrigeration, Domestic Refrigeration, Water heaters, OneComponent Foam (OCF), Moulded Rigid Foam, Pipe-inPipe Insulation, Other.
Further regional segmentation for PUR/PIR for relevant rigid foam products

- Coatings
Architectural Coatings (interior/exterior), Auto OEM, Auto Refinish, Commercial Vehicles, Industrial Coatings, Maintenance Coatings, Marine Coatings, Plastic (nonautomotive) Coatings, Roof, Tank & Deck Coatings, Textile & Leather Coatings, Wood/Furniture Coatings, Other.

- Adhesives & Sealants
Automotive, Construction, Flexible Packaging, Footwear, General Assembly, Other.
Auto Direct Glazing, Construction, Insulated Glazing, Other Transport.

- Elastomers
Cast Elastomers, Fibres/Spandex, Microcellular Footwear, RIM/RRIM, Technical Microcellular, TPU, Synthetic Leather Resin, Other.

- Binders
Forest Products, Foundry Core, Rubber Crumb, Other

Table of Contents
Volume 5 Adhesives & Sealants
1. Introduction Adhesives & Sealants
1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Indicative Formulations 13
1.3 Abbreviations 14
2. Adhesives and Sealants Product Description
2.1 Adhesives 15
2.2 Sealants 19
3. Key Market Players
3.1 Major Producers of Adhesives & Sealants - EMEA 21
4. Total EMEA Adhesives & Sealants
4.1 Adhesives & Sealants Trends - EMEA 22
4.2 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 25
4.3 PU Production by Type and Country - Western Europe 26
4.4 PU Production by Type & Country - CEE 27
4.5 PU Production by Type & Country - MEA 28
4.6 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 29
4.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption 30
5.1 Western Europe Adhesives & Sealants
5.1.1 Adhesives & Sealants Trends - Western Europe 31
5.1.2 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 47
5.1.3 PU Production by Type and Country 48
5.1.4 Forecast PU Production by Type and Country 49
5.1.5 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 50
5.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption 51
5.2 Austria
5.2.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 52
5.2.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 53
5.2.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 54
5.3 Benelux
5.3.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 55
5.3.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 56
5.3.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 57
5.4 France
5.4.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 58
5.4.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 59
5.4.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 60
5.5 Germany
5.5.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 61
5.5.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 62
5.5.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 63
5.6 Ireland
5.6.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 64
5.6.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 65
5.6.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 66
5.7 Italy
5.7.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 67
5.7.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 68
5.7.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 69
5.8 Nordics
5.8.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 70
5.8.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 71
5.8.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 72
5.9 Portugal
5.9.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 73
5.9.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 74
5.9.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 75
5.10 Spain
5.10.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 76
5.10.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 77
5.10.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 78
5.11 Switzerland
5.11.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 79
5.11.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 80
5.11.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 81
5.12 UK
5.12.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 82
5.12.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 83
5.12.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 84
6.1 Central & Eastern Europe Adhesives & Sealants
6.1.1 Adh. & Sealants Trends - Central & Eastern Europe 85
6.1.2 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 95
6.1.3 PU Production by Type and Country 96
6.1.4 Forecast PU Production by Type and Country 97
6.1.5 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 98
6.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption 99
6.2 Poland
6.2.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 100
6.2.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 101
6.2.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 102
6.3 Russia
6.3.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 103
6.3.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 104
6.3.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 105
6.4 Slovenia
6.4.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 106
6.4.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 107
6.4.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 108
6.5 Turkey
6.5.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 109
6.5.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 110
6.5.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 111
7.1 Middle East and Africa Adhesives & Sealants
7.1.1 Adhesives & Sealants Trends - Middle East & Africa 112
7.1.2 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 124
7.1.3 PU Production by Type and Country 125
7.1.4 Forecast PU Production by Type and Country 126
7.1.5 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 127
7.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption 128
7.2 East Africa
7.2.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 129
7.2.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 130
7.2.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 131
7.3 Iran
7.3.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 132
7.3.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 133
7.3.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 134
7.4 Levant
7.4.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives and Sealants 135
7.4.2 Adhesives and Sealants Raw Material Consumption 136
7.4.3 Forecast Adh. & Seal Raw Material Consumption 137
7.5 North Africa
7.5.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives and Sealants 138
7.5.2 Adhesives and Sealants Raw Material Consumption 139
7.5.3 Forecast Adh. & Seal Raw Material Consumption 140
7.6 Saudi Arabia
7.6.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 141
7.6.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 142
7.6.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 143
7.7 South Africa
7.7.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 144
7.7.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 145
7.7.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 146
7.8 UAE
7.8.1 Growth in Production of Adhesives & Sealants 147
7.8.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 148
7.8.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption 149

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