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India Mocktail Syrups Market Assessment, By Sweetness Level [Sweetened, Unsweetened], By Formulation [Organic, Conventional], By Packaging Type [Glass Bottles, Plastic Bottles], By Packaging Size [Up to 250 ml, 250 ml - 500 ml, Above 500 ml], By Distribution Channel [Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Channel, Others], By Region, Opportunities and Forecast, FY2018-FY2032F

Market Report I 2024-05-16 I 120 Pages I Market Xcel - Markets and Data

India mocktail syrups market was valued at USD 290.57 million in FY2024, expected to reach USD 470.16 million in FY2032, with a CAGR of 6.2% for the forecast period between FY2025 and FY2032. The market is growing due to numerous flavors and brands catering to the evolving needs of consumers. Growing consumer awareness about the ill-effects of alcohol on health has given rise to the non-alcoholic beverage industry, including mocktails.
India, being a land of rich flavors and ingredients with a diverse cultural landscape, aids manufacturers in creating a wide range of mocktail syrups catering to varied taste preferences of consumers. From traditional to exotic flavors, the mocktail syrups market in India provides a huge range of choices to consumers.
The dominant demographics in the mocktail fan club are boomers and Gen Z. The demographic, which is known to be health-conscious, values that mocktails provide a way to fight hangovers. Also, they have become more interested in alcohol-free beverages in recent years. Natural and healthier alternatives are observing a significant shift in the market as consumers are looking for products made from fruits, herbs, and other botanicals, without artificial sweeteners or additives. Manufacturers are developing syrups to cater to the needs of health-conscious consumers driving the innovation.
Moreover, with rapidly evolving retail landscape of India, the presence of e-commerce platforms is growing, offering the ease of ordering and delivery to the consumers. Additionally, the commercial use of mocktail syrups is growing, especially in the food industry, with numerous cafes, restaurants and bars, playing a significant role in the market development.
In December 2023, Rasna announced the debut of Rasna Himalayan Gulab Sharbat, Himalayan Gulkand, and Himalayan Gulab Chywanprash. The products were made with raw ingredients such as pure rose oil and rose water drawn from Uttarakhand's valleys. Such products are used to create unique blends in mocktails providing an experience of different tastes and fragrances in the drinks.
Rising Trend of Non-Alcoholic Beverages Fuels the Market Growth
There has been an increase in demand for non-alcoholic beverages at pubs and restaurants around the nation in recent times. It includes inventive mocktails which let customers enjoy their favorite flavors without the hangover of alcoholic wines and beers. With a CAGR of 6.72%, Indian non-alcoholic beverages market is expected to reach a size of USD 21.5 million by 2028. India is the world's leading producer of milk, sugar, bananas, mangoes, limes, lemons, papayas, and other essential non-alcoholic beverage ingredients. The trend is especially evident among the younger and urban demographic, which demands fresh and experiential drinks for social and leisure events. A variety of mocktail syrups with natural and exotic flavors are found appealing by customers looking for unique flavor options. In March 2023, Mother's Recipe introduced five new, energizing sharbat flavors, namely, Lemon Ginger, Jeera Masala, Rose Sharbat, Mango Panna, and Khus Syrup. The sharbat can be transformed into a sophisticated mocktail or faluda, served chilled, and garnished with lemon slices and mint leaves.
Role of Creative Mixology Propels the Growth of the Market
The role of creative mixology is a key driving force for the growth of India mocktail syrups market. The blend of science and art involved in crafting cocktails and mocktails has turned the culinary arts into a fascinating masterpiece for a growing number of enthusiasts and professionals alike. Creative mixologists are constantly experimenting with new flavors, ingredients, and techniques to create exciting new mocktails. Mocktail syrups are essential ingredients in this process, giving mixologists a versatile base to express their creativity and create unique and memorable drinks.
The emphasis on creative blends elevates the drinking experience and raises the perception of mocktails as a sophisticated and enjoyable alternative to alcohol. As creative blends gain popularity and acceptance in India, the demand for premium mocktail syrups is expected to rise correspondingly, thereby increasing the market. In March 2023, a line of syrups, Mojee, from New Delhi-based Pansari Group, was introduced at AAHAR-2023, Asia's largest International Food and Hospitality Fair. There will be nine distinct flavors of syrup, namely, Mojito Mint, Bubblegum, Passion Fruit, Blue Curacao, Green Apple, Grenadine, Peach, Watermelon, and Triple Sec.
Supermarkets and Hypermarkets are the Most Preferred Distribution Channel
In India mocktail syrup market, the distribution landscape is dominated by traditional marketing channels, mainly supermarkets and hypermarkets. These channels offer a wide range of mocktail syrups that cater to the tastes of different consumers and are accessible to a larger segment of the population, especially in urban segments. Supermarkets and hypermarkets, with their wide range of products and convenient shopping experiences, attract majority of mocktail syrup retailers. They provide a one-stop shop for consumers to browse and buy mocktail syrups along with other products. In addition, specialty stores offer a well-crafted selection of quality and craftsmanship, and appeal to enthusiasts and connoisseurs in search of unique, luxurious products.
While online stores are gaining popularity, especially among urban millennials and Gen-Z consumers, traditional marketing channels dominate India mocktail syrups market due to high availability and established consumer trust. As e-commerce continues to grow, online stores are expected to play an important role in the distribution of mocktail syrups in the future.
Future Market Scenario (FY2025 - FY2032F)
- With an increased focus on health and wellness, consumers are expected to continue to demand healthy beverages with natural and organic non-alcoholic mocktails. Manufacturers will respond by offering a wide range of low-sugar, low-calorie, and functional mocktail syrups to address this demand.
- As disposable incomes increase and consumer preferences become more sophisticated, there will be a greater demand for high-end craft mocktail syrups. Manufacturers will focus on introducing quality and innovative products with exotic flavors to attract consumers.
- Environmental concerns will drive demand for sustainable packaging and environmentally friendly practices throughout the mocktail syrup industry supply chain. Manufacturers will increasingly embrace recyclables and implement sustainable manufacturing practices to reduce their environmental footprint and meet consumer expectations.
Key Players Landscape and Outlook
Several key players in India mocktail syrup market are shaping the landscape with their innovative products and strategic plans. Established companies have been prominent in offering a wide range of traditional and exotic products to satisfy diverse consumer preferences. Moreover, new entrants make significant contributions, leveraging regional flavors and unique marketing strategies to capture market niches. The outlook of key players in Indian mocktail syrups market is optimistic, driven by factors such as increasing consumer demand for non-alcoholic beverages, rising disposable income, and health and wellness trends. Manufacturers are expected to continue to innovate and develop their product lines to compete in the market environment, with a focus on premiumization, sustainability and digitalization to drive the future growth.

1. Research Methodology
2. Project Scope & Definitions
3. Executive Summary
4. Voice of Customer
4.1. Demographics (Age/Cohort Analysis - Baby Boomers and Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z; Gender; Income - Low, Mid, and High; Geography; Nationality; etc.)
4.2. Market Awareness and Product Information
4.3. Brand Awareness and Loyalty
4.4. Factors Considered in Purchase Decision
4.4.1. Brand Reputation
4.4.2. Flavor
4.4.3. Fragrance
4.4.4. Health and Nutrition
4.4.5. Product Quality
4.4.6. Packaging and Presentation
4.4.7. Ingredients
4.4.8. Price
4.4.9. Availability and Accessibility
4.5. Purchase Channel
4.6. Purpose of Purchase
4.7. Frequency of Purchase
4.8. Existing or Intended User
4.9. Recommendations from friends, family/online reviews
4.10. Role of Brand Ambassador or Influencer Marketing on Product/Brand Absorption
5. India Mocktail Syrups Market Outlook, FY2018 -FY2032F
5.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.1.1. By Value
5.1.2. By Volume
5.2. By Sweetness Level
5.2.1. Sweetened
5.2.2. Unsweetened
5.3. By Formulation
5.3.1. Organic
5.3.2. Conventional
5.4. By Packaging Type
5.4.1. Glass Bottles
5.4.2. Plastic Bottles
5.5. By Packaging Size
5.5.1. Up to 250 ml
5.5.2. 250 ml - 500 ml
5.5.3. Above 500 ml
5.6. By Distribution Channel
5.6.1. Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
5.6.2. Convenience Stores
5.6.3. Specialty Stores
5.6.4. Online Channel
5.6.5. Others
5.7. By Region
5.7.1. East
5.7.2. West & Central
5.7.3. North
5.7.4. South
5.8. By Company Market Share (%), FY2024
6. Market Mapping, FY2024
6.1. By Sweetness Level
6.2. By Formulation
6.3. By Packaging Type
6.4. By Packaging Size
6.5. By Distribution Channel
6.6. By Region
7. Macro Environment and Industry Structure
7.1. Supply Demand Analysis
7.2. Import Export Analysis
7.3. Value Chain Analysis
7.4. PESTEL Analysis
7.4.1. Political Factors
7.4.2. Economic System
7.4.3. Social Implications
7.4.4. Technological Advancements
7.4.5. Environmental Impacts
7.4.6. Legal Compliances and Regulatory Policies (Statutory Bodies Included)
7.5. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
7.5.1. Supplier Power
7.5.2. Buyer Power
7.5.3. Substitution Threat
7.5.4. Threat from New Entrant
7.5.5. Competitive Rivalry
8. Market Dynamics
8.1. Growth Drivers
8.2. Growth Inhibitors (Challenges and Restraints)
9. Key Players Landscape
9.1. Competition Matrix of Top Five Market Leaders
9.2. Market Revenue Analysis of Top Five Market Leaders (in %, FY2024)
9.3. Mergers and Acquisitions/Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
9.4. SWOT Analysis (For Five Market Players)
9.5. Patent Analysis (If Applicable)
10. Pricing Analysis
11. Case Studies
12. Key Players Outlook
12.1. Raw Earth Food & Beverages Pvt Ltd
12.1.1. Company Details
12.1.2. Key Management Personnel
12.1.3. Products & Services
12.1.4. Financials (As reported)
12.1.5. Key Market Focus & Geographical Presence
12.1.6. Recent Developments
12.2. Nutaste Food Labs Pvt Ltd
12.3. Fruitaco India
12.4. Malas Farms & Foods
12.5. Kerry Group PLC
12.6. Food Service India Pvt. Ltd.
12.7. Manama Farms & Foods
12.8. Guruji Enterprises Private Limited
12.9. Newtrition Plus Health And Wellness Private Limited
12.10. Switten Health Foods Private Limited
*Companies mentioned above DO NOT hold any order as per market share and can be changed as per information available during research work
13. Strategic Recommendations
14. About Us & Disclaimer

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